Trusted Insurance Broker to the League Managers Association

Since 1992 the League Managers Association (LMA) has continually developed its support of the football industry. Today it is the collective and respected representative voice of professional football managers. 

Kerry London is proud to be the trusted insurance broker to the LMA. With over 35 years experience, and as a Lloyd’s of London registered broker, Kerry London is well positioned to offer comprehensive, bespoke insurance advice for football managers and their families. 

We understand that public figures in the world of sport can need specialist cover that’s not available through traditional insurance providers. Our solutions include: 

Kerry London are here to provide cover for everything that matters to you, whether that’s protection for your home buildings, contents, jewellery, art, or cars. We‘ll ensure everything is covered, under one tailor-made policy, with comprehensive cover and limits that reflect your treasured possessions. 

LMA enquiry form

  • If you would like to discuss your insurance requirements with one of our experts, or find out more about our services, send us your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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