
Thursday 19th September 2024
Changes to Right to Light Insurance

Right to light is an important planning consideration for developers because it exposes them to the risk of legal action and costly claims. Kerry London looks at the changes to further regulate and improve standards in this space and summarises the benefits of insurance protection in this area.

Tuesday 17th September 2024
Reducing the risks of commercial property underinsurance

Underinsurance continues to be a problem among property owners. Properties that have not had a professional valuation within the last three years run the risk of being underinsured.

Monday 11th December 2023
Extra protection for unoccupied commercial buildings

Empty commercial properties can be costly for property owners who face reduced rental income, increased maintenance and security costs. Insurance premiums for vacant properties may also rise in response to the additional risks presented by vacant properties.

Tuesday 26th September 2023
Commercial Property Owners: Reducing the risk of weather damage

As the weather changes, storms and increased rainfall can increase the risk of weather damage to commercial properties. After fire claims, escape of water is one of the most common types of claim, with insurers paying out £1.8 million every day.

Tuesday 9th May 2023
London properties at higher risk of floods than the rest of the UK

In July 2021, extreme rainfall hit London twice, leading to widespread flooding across the city. In some parts of the city, a month’s rain fell in just one hour.